Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Off Topic But... Here My View Of the War In Iraq

As we sit in our homes and see story after story about our brave soldiers dying in battle, a need to bring them rises in our stomachs. However, with this overwhelming emotion building up inside of us, it is easy to forget about a historical precedent that all but screams "do not remove the troops prematurely".

Perhaps the most glaring example of what a premature withdrawal could entail was Nixon's "Vietnamization" program at the end of the Vietnam War. After over a decade of bloody conflict that claimed thousands of American lives, the American people had had enough. In the early-70's Nixon proposed "Vietnamization", a phased withdrawal during witch time the South Vietnamese would take on the responsibility of defending themselves. Just days after the last American's pulled out, North Korean troops marched into Saigon and defeated the South Vietnamese resistance. All of the American efforts in the region had been futile.
Iraq obviously poses a different situation than Vietnam. There is no declared enemy to fight and the combat takes on a vastly different form than the jungle battles of Vietnam. However, the precedent is the same. Leaving Iraq now, would be like leaving the unprepared Vietnamese to fend for themselves all over again.

Pulling out of Iraq now would yield the same consequences. The fragile government would quickly collapse, and factional violence would break out over the entire country. All of the time, and money, and blood, that Americans invested in Iraq would be for not.

America entered this war with the Intention of investing billions of dollars in establishing peace in Iraq. Pulling out now would not only be a waste of thousands of American lives and hundreds of billions of American dollars, but it would leave the country in a worse state than we found it.

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