Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki- Book Review

By no means is Rich Dad, Poor Dada literary masterpiece. However, Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a departure from the typically bland genre of investing advice literature in that its anecdotal narration make makes for a light and rather enjoyable read.

You can choose to look at Rich Dad, Poor Dad as either an investing and financial guide or as a motivational work offering a fresh perspective on finance.

If you choose the first option and scour the pages for concrete investing advice you will be disappointed. There was only a limited amount of 0f hard information and the bits of concrete advice tended to be exceedingly general: create assets, save money, avoid overspending, etc. Anyone reading the book intent on picking up concrete investing tips or hard financial advice would put the book down unsatisfied with the few solid morsels of information the book had to offer.

However, those who began reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad with and open mind soon realized that maybe the book was not intended to be an investing guide. Rather, Kiyosaki hoped to write a book that would offer a new perspective on money and motivate the readers to take their finances into their own hands. The Rich Dad, Poor Dad dichotomy presents an entertaining and powerful microcosm that demonstrates the differences in social classes in a fun to read manner. The lesson’s that Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad” teaches him are lessons for all of us. They aren’t get rich quick tips, they are anecdotal teachings that offer the readers a fresh perspective on finance. A reader who approaches Rich Dad, Poor Dad with and open mind, can put it down with a valuable new perception of finance and an inspiration to take on more financial responsibility..

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